Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Get it together.

Not words I really know how to follow. Reckless should be my middle name. My room is anything but together, and it's something that doesn't really bother me. One person it does bother is my wonderful mother, though. Sometimes I'll come home from work and she's (oh, so kindly) tidied it up a bit. Then I kind of freak out and can't find anything, and am thinking, "Woman! I can't find myyyy stufffffff!". But, in the grand scheme of things, she does it to keep her house clean.

God does the same things in our hearts. Mine, especially. I drag out all these things to keep it cluttered and busy. There's just not enough space for God in it. Then, like my mommy does to my room, God comes and cleans it up. He might take things away that we dearly loved, move things around so that sitting in the middle of this figurative heart-room, is only Him. Most likely giggling to Him self while we scramble around that room looking for things and feeling like the sky is falling, when we come around, all that matters is to focus on us God. We can sit down and talk to Him, learn from Him and grow in Him. The rest of the stuff in the room loses it's meaning.

Everyone likes to have something to do, having something entertaining them. Music, friends, video games, sports, television. All of those are awesome things, but sometimes God de-clutters our lives, puts those things to the side so we can have the spiritual main dish- Him.

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